Monday, July 28, 2008

Introducing "A Bunch of Random Stuff"

Here's my new blog. Cate insisted that I should start one. ("They're really fun!") She also thought that Tina and I should have another baby so her son-who-shall-not-be-named-yet would have a cousin close to his age. Sophie (?) is due November 26.

Where did the name come from? A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I had a blog subtitled "A bunch of random stuff..." I think that phrase best describes the contents of my brain.

Oh, you mean where did the name Sophie come from? Well, obviously, that is the name of Captain Jack Aubrey's first command! (I explained my reasoning to Tina, and she still likes the name.)


Catherine said...

You're comparing my Son Who Shall Not Yet Be Named to a Harry Potter villain? This blog's not even a day old and you're causing trouble...

Catherine said...

Cate also thinks you should send her a check for a million dollars.

Michael Hehir said...

Oh, I haven't even started causing trouble!