Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Illuminated Fish

Last night I watched Big Fish. A tall-tale spinning father is nearing the end of his life, and his estranged son wants to learn what parts of the story are true. Not the kind of movie I would expect to like (no spaceships! no explosions!), but now that I think about it, I like a lot of movies that are not really "my kind of movie."

One image that I particularly liked was of Obi-Wan Kenobi and the girl he is destined to marry lying in a field of daffodils.

This is the second movie I've seen recently that featured a spectacular field of yellow flowers.

A few weeks ago I watched Everything is Illuminated. This movie stars Frodo on a journey in the Ukraine to find out about his grandfather (again, not "my kind of movie"). A key scene occurs at a house set in the middle of a huge field of sunflowers.

The story behind this shot amazes me. I would have expected the house to be filmed against a green screen with the flowers added in post-production. No. The filmakers grew their own field of sunflowers. The thing you have to know about sunflowers is that their peak bloom time is only about a week, and they track the position of the sun throughout the day. So they only had a few hours to get this shot.

I love yellow flowers.

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