Thursday, July 31, 2008

Luke, I am your Uncle

Catherine's baby arrived this morning. Lucas Orlando Milliken. Anna is jumping up and down excited. She wants to visit now.

In a previous post I referred to Catherine's unborn baby as Voldemort her son-who-shall-not-be-named-yet. I want to emphasize that for the purposes of this allusion I am Darth Vader. Also, I will try not to overdo the Star Wars references, but I had to say it at least once. ;-)

PS - Yes, I know that Darth Vader never actually said "Luke, I am your father." Part of being an adult fan of Star Wars is that you get to remember things the way you want to remember them - which is not necessarily the way they actually happened.


Catherine said...

Darth Vader never said that? Really?

Michael Hehir said...

He actually said, "No. I am your father."

The full exchange went like this:

Vader: Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father.

Luke: He told me enough. He told me you killed him.

Vader: No. I am your father!

The misquote is better at capturing the essence of the scene when it's out of context.