There's one really bad spot where the driveway is crumbling, and the weeds are thriving. Anna and I removed all the loose aggregate, then headed to Home Depot for some driveway patching material. I couldn't find it right away, so I asked someone who looked like he spends a lot of time there.

He said they ran out of petroleum byproducts. Don't I know that the US has only 3% of the world's oil reserves, while we consume 25% of the oil in the world?
Um, OK.
Because we didn't want to leave empty handed, we bought some daffodils. There seems to be a very limited selection of bulbs available, compared with previous years. I wonder what's up with that?
Lowe's had 50-lb bags of something called QPR from Lafarge. Quality Pavement Repair? The directions say to remove all loose material from the pothole, but this stuff is not cheap, and besides, what am I going to do with all that debris? Let's just put it back into the hole.
You can buy a special tamping tool, but who needs that?
Perhaps Jamie can comment on how this repair compares with the work done by PennDOT?
Wait, seriously??? Joe Biden at YOUR Home Depot?
I've decided that you and Anna could be on HGTV together--Daddy/daughter construction work. I think it's an untapped market. Or maybe you could write a book. But how can you get newborns involved?
No, silly — it's a Photoshop. It was making the rounds at the conservative websites after the vice presidential debate. (He mentioned that he spends a lot of time at Home Depot, which is difficult to believe. Although, who knows?)
OK, I knew about the Home Depot jokes but then I thought maybe he was doing some ridiculous PR thing (I'm embarrassed to admit I researched his campaign tour a little before commenting, and found nothing). I've got to say, sometimes your sarcasm escapes me!
Now that I look at the photo again, he is a bit buff to really be Joe Biden.
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