I'm not much of a traveler. Our recent trip to Boston was a major excursion for me. That doesn't mean I don't like to take trips at all. Just that I prefer them to be a bit shorter. Like, two miles is good.
For today's first little trip, Anna and I met Tina at work for lunch in the cafeteria. We've been there before, of course, but always for some sort of event. This visit was apropos of nothing, so we had to stop at the visitor's center to pick up an ID. (Anna brought her own special "Anna Banana" ID. I did not bring any cameras, explosives, or other contraband.) The girls had pizza and french fries. I had a "burrito grande."
The ride in the elevator to Tina's office no longer includes Anna holding onto me for dear life; however, it still includes a walk to the water cooler. Never mind that there's water in the office. We need to zoom down to the snack area, wave our hands to magically turn on the light, get one of those tiny paper cups, and always push the blue button to get cold water. (The red button is hot water. We don't want that.)
After we left Tina's work, Anna and I made a trip to her school to pick up some more books. We're up to 800 books as of today.
When we got home we read ten books before being interrupted by some tree trimmers for National Grid. Apparently the utility pole next our garage is slated for replacement and "could we pull our truck into your driveway so we can trim the trees?" Well, since you asked so nicely, yes you may. Anna set up chairs in the backyard so we could watch them. (They were pretty good-natured about that.)
Our final trip for the day was to Target to get Anna some curtains for her almost finished extremely lilac room. We convinced her to choose lilac over pink for the walls by promising pink curtains, so now it's time to pay up. As a special treat we had more pizza and popcorn in the store. And somehow princess pajamas found their way into the cart. Maybe that's why, when it came time for the ritual browsing of the toy section, we spent most of our time in the LEGO aisle. ("Daddy, don't you just love this big, giant, scary LEGO robot?")
7 years ago
It's impossible to go to Target and leave with only the items on your list!
Ain't that the truth? Especially if I go with Tina or Anna. Although, to be fair, I think Tina keeps a list of things she needs in her head. Anna probably does too -- although "need" is a bit more loosely defined for Anna. And I never buy anything that isn't on my list. Except that my list goes on for pages and pages, filled with everything we need right now, and lots of things we might need someday, and then some other things that we probably won't ever need, but you never know........
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