Man, it's hard for me to write about politics. Tina keeps asking me why I don't post any political pontificating. (I usually give her an earful over the morning paper.) The thing is, a written political argument makes my brain hurt.
I was going to write something about John McCain selecting Sarah Palin as his running mate, but I ended up with too many words and not enough time to edit them*, so I'll just note that it was a bold choice.
In other news, Anna is concerned that Halloween decorations are going up too early. "It's not even fall, yet!"
*(It would have been a really great essay. I'm not kidding.)
7 years ago
Well, the good news is our country is getting either a black president or a woman VP. And both candidates were smart to pick political lesser- knowns since that's less alienating. But yea, I'm going to agree with your word choice: BOLD.
Picking Sara Palin as a running mate was a brilliant selection by John McCain. The gun-totting, pro-life Hockey Mom of five is going to blow the socks off the egghead Obama and his stuff-shirt partner Biden. Obama expressed a dislike for gun-totting, bible-reading Christens in the South and mid-west recently. She certainly will appeal to them. Also, she is the only one running that has administrative experience as a mayor and governor.
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